Tuesday 2 April 2013

Easter season is all about sacrifice which means FREEDOM. Are you FREE?

Easter season is all about our GOD dying on the cross in exchange for our lives. It is necessary to allow that same life to dwell within your very Mind, Soul and Body. You might say, Life that is already dead?...I need to say that the very life that was certified dead by Humanly doctors and which was given in exchange for our life did RESURRECTED the very THIRD day of being in the grave (WHAT A MYSTERY!!!). Stone placed by the mouth of the grave was unable to hold Him captive and neither the Soliders that were stationed at the sepulcher were able to do like wise. He is RISEN from the DEAD.

If you are still in the depth of despair and in bondage of fear of death, it means you have not caught the revelation of the resurrected Jesus. If you are still a timid witness of Christ, it means that the risen Lord has not yet been revealed to you. However, all things changed dramatically when the risen Lord Jesus appeared to His disciples where they were hiding for the fear of the Jews, and “He rebuked their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they did not believe those who had seen Him after He had risen.” (Mark 16:14 NKJV). Why not allow this same Jesus into your life today and let go of all despair and bondage. He loves to deliever from all forms of oppression. Allow Him today and let FREEDOM BE YOURS FOREVER.

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